Question: How tight exactly should the bands “feel” when I’m working out with them?

Answer: The bands should not actually feel as tight as you may think. The research suggests that you will attain the best results by tightening the bands to a level 5-7 on a scale of perceived tightness (10 being tightest). If the bands do not feel tight enough initially, you may need to increase your training volume (i.e. 30-50 repetitions, 3-10 sets) and decrease your rest intervals (i.e. 20-30 seconds rest). Also, since everyone’s body type, shape, and density is unique, tightening of the bands will feel different for each person. You know your body best. So do what feels right for you!


Question: Is Occlusion Training safe?

Answer: Yes. There are numerous research studies to support that blood flow occlusion training is safe and effective. One study even states that occlusion training is safer than traditional weight training which is performed with heavier loads. Since occlusion training is performed with light weights only (~20% of 1RM), it puts significantly less stress on the nervous system (brain) and body. Also, you are already performing “occlusion training” whenever you are performing weight training since the occlusion is happening internally.


Question: Who is Occlusion Training best for?

Answer: Occlusion training can be especially useful for those looking to gain lean muscle mass without lifting heavy weights. This includes women who prefer not to lift heavy weights (at least not all the time), men who need a “deload” week for active recovery from traditional training (good to do at least one week every month), those recovering from injuries, and those just seeking rapid gains in muscle size. Also, since blood flow restriction training creates a bolus of blood and nutrients which flood the muscle/joint, it is theorized that it strengthens tissues (i.e. ligaments and tendons). Stronger ligaments and tendons is great for injury prevention but also helps lower your brain’s “threat” levels, which in turn makes your brain feel comfortable to increase your muscle strength contractile capabilities.


Question: How often should I perform Occlusion Training?

Answer: For most people, 2-3 days per week is sufficient. It is also something you can integrate into a current routine, such as on your rest days, as an active recovery week, or even at the end of your workout. The bands could even be worn on the legs while performing a light cardio routine for 20 minutes.


Question: Where should I place the bands?

Answer: The FREST BRF Occlusion Training Bands can be placed on the upper arms (if training upper body) or upper legs if training lower body. Also, the bands to do not have to directly occlude an area to provide benefit. For example, you will get the benefits of occlusion training for muscle groups like the chest and back when the bands are on the arms, even though they are not directly occluded.


Question: How many sets and repetitions should I be doing?

Answer: This all depends on the context of your goals, but generally you will see the best results performing 4-6 exercises for 3-10 sets each and 20-50 repetitions each. The weight used should of course be very light (only 20% of your 1 repetition maximum) and the rest period between sets should be short as well (20-30 seconds). Feel free to contact us anytime with questions.


Question: What are the main differences between the different bands?


  • 2 smaller bands for arm work outs
  • 2 larger bands for leg work outs


Question: Do you ship internationally?

Answer: Yes, we ship worldwide.